just an FYI, I was stupid enough to visit the former guy's "blog" and within 90 seconds, my PC was being bombarded by trojans. All blocked by my router. Don't anyone go near this site. (I know, I'm stupid for doing it.)

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"Valid points! But I disagree, especially on the premise of newsworthiness. I’m a broken record on this but I fundamentally believe that blanket claims of ‘newsworthiness!’ are an excuse that news organizations use. Newsworthiness is a choice masquerading as an inevitability. There is no Hippocratic Oath for journalism that suggests we must amplify lies or provide our most shameless politicians with an endless supply of attention. And, as I wrote last week, this newsworthiness loophole logic is the exact thing that the tech platforms used to justify Donald Trump’s prolonged existence on the website."

BAM! This needs to be blasted everywhere.

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Best Galaxy Brain yet.

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A few questions...why is djt signing the bible in the book of Deuteronomy? And why is there a map (framed, at that) sitting on his desk next to him? And what is the map of? It doesn't look like the US or North America, could it be a map of Middle-Earth? Has djt thought he was in charge of fucking Gondor this entire time? Would it make it better or at least more understandable if he had? Anyways, nice to see djt #WriteLoud here.

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I hope Trump creates his own Substack page. That's when the real fun begins over here. Trump would bring with him the 45 million voters. Of course, leftists in the media will rant - but who cares? They made a mess of everything from Russia, Russia, Russia to Covid19. Everything those snobs accuse Trump of, I could accuse them of in spades. So, cry me a river.

Trump is the single most powerful voice, and figure in the world right now. He did not start a single war and had to deal with a deliberately deceptive NIH/WHO amid a pandemic that came from China. Taken in its totality, Trump is flawed, but so are you. So is Joe Biden. Get off your high horse and spare us your snobbery.

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Since you can't make an argument about the content of Tucker's show, you dismiss him as a copycat and attack his character. Wow, like, so original dude. Right on!

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It kinda seems like publishing this can only contribute to the phenomenon you want to avoid. Just ignore. That's the lesson of the spectacle we endured.

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