Facebook would NEVER keep Trump from Facebook’s ad platform. They want the $$.

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I wonder if they are hoping he will go away somehow over the next 18 months. Not implausible that his health would start to decline, though Rudy looks like absolute shit and is still going out there.

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You appear to be overthinking this. FB is pretty obviously planning to “assess whether the risk to public safety has receded” based on (a) whether Trump is still engaging in what they consider dangerous public rhetoric in two years, and (b) whether his cultural influence is still strong enough at that point for anyone to care. It really doesn't have to be more complicated than that.

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If Facebook is trying to avoid controversy, putting this issue in the news periodically seems like a bad strategy. I don't see anyone yelling at Twitter today (although I don't read or watch conservative news).

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Your brain is scrambled. First, there was no insurrection. No attempted takeover. No guns brought. No bombs. No deaths caused be protestors etc. etc. The only murder was that of an unarmed woman by an anonymous capital policeman. Second, Trump clearly stated that the march to the capital was to be peaceful. Did you not see the videos? Third, the people were literally let in by police. Did you not see those videos? Fourth, Antifa was actually there trying to instigate bad behavior which lead to damaged property...but nothing even close to an insurrection. And the damaged property isn't even in the same league as that caused by BLM, Antifa etc...

Most importantly, if you actually cared about Facebook banning those who lead to major factor for elevating civil, political, and cultural tension you would look at the organizations that literally burned, looted, destroyed most of our major cities for the better part of a year... Namely BLM, Antifa and others.

I get that you don't like Trump, but your facts are objectively incorrect, our morality is upside down, and your brain is clearly short-circuiting. Nothing I've written is false.

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There were guns and bombs and an attempted takeover ("Hang Mike Pence") and there was a conspiracy. Those are all being exposed right now in court filings about the Oath Keepers.

Worse, this was all reported back in October: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/11/right-wing-militias-civil-war/616473/

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